Your Site Isn’t Optimized for Mobile
Most customers do their online shopping and research via their mobile phone or tablets. If your site isn’t optimized for mobile, it may load slowly, not display pages or menus correctly, or be difficult to navigate. A website redesign allows you to optimize your site for mobile and make it more accessible for all.
You Aren’t Getting Enough Traffic
Most customers do their online shopping and research via their mobile phone or tablets. If your site isn’t optimized for mobile, it may load slowly, not display pages or menus correctly, or be difficult to navigate. A website redesign allows you to optimize your site for mobile and make it more accessible for all.
Visitors Aren’t Sticking Around
If your customers aren’t sticking around your site, it’s possible they aren’t finding what they need quickly enough. Redesigning your site gives you the chance to improve navigation and make your menu and pages more intuitive.
Your Branding or Messaging Has Changed
A huge sign you’re overdue for a web design overhaul is if your company’s key branding or messaging has changed. A web design expert can redesign your site so it’s in line with your branding, vision, and overall goals.
You’re Ranking Lower & Lower in Search Engine Results
If your site doesn’t have engaging, relevant, and authoritative content, the search engine algorithms aren’t going to rank it very high in search engine results. A rebrand of your web design gives you the chance to update your content, increase your local SEO, and establish yourself as a company to trust.
If you need an expert in web design to rebrand your company’s website, come see us at Caffeinated Marketers. We have years of experience in professional web design for businesses of all sizes, across industries. Call us today or contact us online to learn more.